Statement by India on Exceptions and Limitations for for Educational Institutions and for persons with other disabilities at the 31st session of the Standing Committee Copyright and Related Rights at WIPO on 11 December 2015, delivered by Dr.V.C.Vivekanandan,Ministry of Human Resource and Development IP Chair Professor Statement by India on Exceptions and Limitations for for Educational Institutions and for persons wi..


Permanent Mission of India Geneva


Statement by India on Exceptions and Limitations for for Educational Institutions and for persons with other disabilities at the 31st session of the Standing Committee Copyright and Related Rights at WIPO on 11 December 2015, delivered by Dr.V.C.Vivekanandan,Ministry of Human Resource and Development IP Chair Professor


Respected Vice Chair


India would like to submit that the Limitations and Exceptions for Educational Institutions and for persons with other disabilities are of crucial importance in an increasing borderless world. Though some countries could have progressed with appropriate national legislations- many are yet to catch up with those standards. One way out is setting up an International framework, which will shape up local legislations. Further differences in national legislations is bound to block the flow of knowledge exchange and this again requires an International framework to over come any such blocks


Mr. Vice Chair


The world was caught with the issue of haves and have-nots in the last, few decades which is yet to be resolved and added to that we have the division of knows, and know-nots which needs to be addressed.


As is the case with every IP incentives have to be matched with appropriate access policy. The legitimacy of copyright among the public is squarelydependent on the rightful access to the public at large. We urge the member states to work towards this goal.


Thank you Vice Chair