Adoption of Draft Resolution on Myanmar-India's Explanation of Vote before the vote by H.E. Mr. Ajit Kumar Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN, on 24 March 2016 Adoption of Draft Resolution on Myanmar-India's Explanation of Vote before the vote by H.E. Mr. Aji..

31st Session of the Human Rights Council
(29 February-24 March 2016)
Consideration of the draft resolution A/HRC/31/L.30/Rev.1 titled 'Situation of Human Rights in Myanmar'
(March 24, 2016)

EOV Before the Vote by India

Mr. President,

1. We acknowledge the laudable cooperation that Myanmar has extended to the UN and its human rights mechanisms in the recent past. During the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights in Myanmar, several countries have expressed similar views with regard to positive developments taking place in the country.

2. We are of the firm belief that the international community, including UN agencies, need to continue to engage constructively with the people and the Government of Myanmar especially in the wake of the successful general elections of November 2015. Our support and appreciation of the ongoing changes and reforms will encourage Myanmar to stay steadfast on its path of democratic reforms. A genuine attempt at rendering all necessary assistance, as requested by the country, is the prime need of the hour.

Mr. President,

3. The initiatives on Myanmar launched in 1992 initially under the Commission of Human Rights and subsequently extended under the HRC have substantially achieved their intended objectives. Myanmar today reflects strong political will and commitment towards reforms. Consequently, we believe that the international community should engage more constructively at this juncture with the Government of Myanmar to support these processes. We are constrained to note that the draft resolution under consideration is not entirely helpful and, therefore, have decided to disassociate from the draft resolution L.30/Rev.1, and its adoption.

I thank you. Mr. President.