Statement by Ambassador Shri Ajit Kumar - Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with SR on Right to Adequate Housing - [3 March 2016]. Statement by Ambassador Shri Ajit Kumar - Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with SR on Right to Ad..


 (29 February-24 March 2016)

Agenda Item 3: Interactive Dialogue with SR on Right to Adequate Housing
[1200-1500 hrs; 3 March 2016 (Thursday)]

Statement by H.E. Mr. Ajit Kumar,
Ambassador & Permanent Representative of  India to UN & other International Organizations


Mr. President,

We thank both the Special Rapporteurs for their extensive presentations. Our statement is limited to the report of the SR on right to adequate housing.   

 2.    The Report is timely and brings the attention of the international community to the issue of homelessness as a global human rights crisis across economies. As rightly pointed out by the SR, the growing income inequalities along with unprecedented challenges posed by urbanization have made adequate housing one of the most vital concerns of our age.  We have also noted SR’s concerns about inadequate attention to homeless under MDGs; SDGs; and HABITAT-III.

3.     The reasons homelessness, as noted by SR, includes an array of factors both natural and human-made. We agree with the SR that for a productive outcome we need to address structural causes through cross-sectoral strategies. However, due to its very nature this cannot have a universal policy or legislative solutions. Thus, the importance of local initiatives cannot be overstated and, in this regard, we note that the SR’s report lists out several encouraging examples.

4.     Housing, especially for the underprivileged sections of the society, is one of the core priority areas for the Government of India. In June 2015, Prime Minister of India launched a flagship project 'Housing for all by 2022' envisaging construction of 20 million new houses by 2022. This project will pave the way for affordable housing to people in the country.  

5.     The SR’s report conveys a strong need for a more reliable set of measures for homelessness. We request the SR to elaborate on this and share innovative ideas she may have in this regard. We look forward to welcome the SR on adequate housing in India in April this year.

I thank you, Mr. President.
