Statement was made by Shri B.N. Reddy, Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN. Statement was made by Shri B.N. Reddy, Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN.

Statement was made by Shri B.N. Reddy, Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN.

Permanent Mission of India, Geneva

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group
23rd Session (2 - 13 November 2015)

2nd UPR of Myanmar - Interactive Dialogue
Friday, 6 November 2015, 09:00 am - 12:30 pm

Statement by India

Mr. President,

India warmly welcomes the delegation of Myanmar led by H.E. Dr. Tun Shin, Attorney General of Myanmar. We thank them for a comprehensive national report and presentation detailing the follow up action to their first UPR.

Mr. President,

The report reflects Myanmar's strong political will and commitment to continue with reforms process for further democratization, despite domestic challenges. We take note of efforts made in this direction by Government of Myanmar, including release of prisoners of conscience, enactment of the News Media Law 2014 and promoting freedom of association and assembly.

We welcome the recent signing by Myanmar of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. We also take note of the adoption of the March 2014 law aimed at creating a National Human Rights Institution.

We acknowledge the cooperation that Myanmar has extended to the UN human rights mechanisms in the recent past. The international community has an obligation to whole-heartedly support these efforts by rendering necessary assistance, as requested by Myanmar.

Mr. President,

India has consistently expressed its support to the Government of Myanmar in its efforts towards reforms and national reconciliation. We welcome the steps taken by the Government of Myanmar in signing the milestone Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement with some ethnic armed groups on 15 October 2015. India was one of the few international witnesses to this important Agreement.

We take positive note of the steps taken by the Government to ensure that the forthcoming general elections on November 8, 2015 are held in a free, fair and transparent manner, including the invitation to international election observers. Indian observers will also be in Myanmar for this purpose at Myanmar's request.

We wish Myanmar all success in its general elections and all its future endeavors in the socio-economic development of the nation.

Thank you Mr. President
