Statement was made by Shri B.N. Reddy, Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Statement was made by Shri B.N. Reddy, Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN

Statement was made by Shri B.N. Reddy, Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN

Permanent Mission of India, Geneva

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group
23rd Session (2 - 13 November 2015)

2nd UPR of Oman - Interactive Dialogue
Thursday, 5 November 2015, 02:30 pm-06:00 pm

Statement by India

Thank you Mr. President,

1.   We welcome the delegation of the Sultanate of Oman led by H.E. Mr. Abdullah Mohammed Said Al Sa'eedi, Minister of Legal Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman.

Mr. President,

2.   We welcome the recent 'in principle' decision to accede to the ICESCR and other international human rights treaties including the decisions to withdrawn certain reservations under CEDAW and CRC. We recommend Oman to expedite the domestic legal procedures required for early ratification of ICESCR.

3.   We welcome the 2011 amendments to the Basic Law of the State enhancing the legislative and supervisory role of the Council of Oman and shifting the role of monitoring of elections to the Council to an independent body led by the Judiciary. We also take note of the efforts to draft a single bill of law covering all media activities.

4.   We commend Oman for its impressive achievements in the fields of health and education especially the efforts to incorporate human rights education in academic curricula at all stages of education.

5.   We welcome new legislative and institutional mechanisms launched for protecting the rights of women, children, persons with disabilities and the elderly. We are encouraged to note the changes in the Oman Nationality Act and Passport Act that do away with certain restrictive provisions related to women's rights. We encourage Oman to continue to take additional measures for further promoting gender equality.

6.   We commend Oman for allowing the people of other faiths, including those from expatriate communities, the freedom to practice other religions and build places of worship.

7.   We take positive note of recently issued package of laws and regulations to protect labour rights, in particular the launch of the electronic wage protection system. We encourage Oman to extend the application of the wage protection system to all private sector workplaces and strengthen the legal protection available to foreign workers under the Sponsorship System.

8.   We wish Oman success in all its future endeavors.

Thank you.
