Statement by India on Agenda Item 7 on the subject of a proposal by GRULAC on Revision of 1979 WIPO Model Law for Developing Countries on Inventions, delivered by Dr. S. P. Subramaniyan, Assistant Controller of Patents during the 22nd meeting of Standing Committee on the Law of Patents Statement by India on Agenda Item 7 on the subject of a proposal by GRULAC on Revision of 1979 WIPO ..

Statement by India on Agenda Item 7 on the subject of a proposal by GRULAC on Revision of 1979 WIPO Model Law for Developing Countries on Inventions, delivered by Dr. S. P. Subramaniyan, Assistant Controller of Patents during the 22nd meeting of Standing Committee on the Law of Patents


Madam Chair,


Without prejudice to the mandate of the SCP, the Delegation of India believes that the work of Committee for the next session (SCP/23) be confined to fact-finding and not lead to harmonization at this stage.


With respect to a proposal by the Group of Latin American and Caribbean Countries (GRULAC) vide document, SCP/22/5, the Delegation of India believes that any revision of 1979 WIPO Model Law for Developing Countries on Inventions should be fully and adequately the development-oriented and should provide the legislative and policy options for the developing countries to fully utilize the TRIPS flexibilities.


Thank you, Madam Chair.