Explanation of Vote after the Vote by Shri Ajit Kumar, Permanent Representative to the UN, on the Draft resolution A/HRC/29/L.35 - Ensuring Accountability and Justice for all Violations of International law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. Explanation of Vote after the Vote by Shri Ajit Kumar, Permanent Representative to the UN, on the Dr..

Explanation of Vote after the Vote by Shri Ajit Kumar, Permanent Representative to the UN, on the Draft resolution A/HRC/29/L.35 - Ensuring Accountability and Justice for all Violations of International law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.

Permanent Mission of India


29th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

[3 July 2015]

Draft resolution A/HRC/29/L.35 –Ensuring Accountability and Justice for all Violations of International law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem

Explanation of Vote after the Vote


Mr. President,

My delegation wishes to make this Explanation of Vote after the vote in connection with the draft resolution A/HRC/29/L.35, which has just been adopted by the Council under Agenda Item 7.


India’s longstanding position on the Palestine issue and our support for a two-state solution are well known and need no reiteration. Nor do our consistent opposition to the use of violence or recourse to terrorism as an instrument of policy.


We are not a party to the Rome Statute or the International Criminal Court for reasons that have been enumerated earlier. Taking that into account, India decided to abstain on this Resolution.”


I thank you, Mr. President.

