Statement on Qatar 323rd Session of the Governing Body of International Labour Organization Statement on Qatar 323rd Session of the Governing Body of International Labour Organization

323rd Session of the Governing Body of International Labour Organization

(12-27 March 2015)

Draft Statement by delegate of India on Agenda Item 8 under  Institutional Section (INS) on  “Complaint alleging  non-observance by Qatar of the Forced Labour Convention 1930 (No.29),  and the Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No. 81), made by delegates to the 103rd Session (2014) of the International Labour Conference under Article 26 of the ILO Constitution”


1. India would like to thank the ILO Secretariat for providing   the document on the agenda item before us on Qatar. My delegation notes that the Government of Qatar, in response to the request to provide their observations on the alleged complaints against them, have submitted detailed information vide its letter dated 26 January 2015.  The Government of Qatar have informed about the measures taken by it against allegations of forced labour and human trafficking.


2. My delegation notes that the Government of Qatar have initiated a series of reforms to protect the rights of workers, especially falling in the purview of Forced Labour Convention No. 29 of 1930 and the Labour Inspect Convention No. 81 of 1947.      My delegation also notes that many legislative changes are being contemplated by the Government of Qatar with regard to labour-related laws which my delegation views as positive steps in the direction of protecting labour rights.  We look forward to expeditious finalization and implementation of these measures and further steps in this direction. We appreciate the efforts of Government of Qatar in re-examining its draft law   on work of domestic workers, to bring it in conformity with the Convention No.189 on Domestic Workers Convention.


3. My delegation also notes various measures taken by the Government of Qatar concerning the welfare of their labour force, including the establishment of a new department on occupational safety and health at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. We hope that the labour rights of the workers in Qatar are safeguarded through amicable solutions.


4. My delegation also would like to reiterate that India, being a signatory to the Convention on Forced Labour 1930, forced labour in all its form must be discouraged.  All Members are obliged to adopt measures which provide safeguards to their respective labour force.  We would like to encourage Government of Qatar to complete and implement the reform process at the earliest to ensure that workers’ rights are well protected and ILO to provide some technical assistance in this regard.


5. We urge the Governing Body and delegations of Member States to consider   the measures taken by the Government of Qatar with regard to alleged complaints against it under Article 26 of ILO Constitution while deciding further course of action on the matter.


Thank you.
