The Standard Initiative 323rd Session of the Governing Body of International Labour Organization The Standard Initiative 323rd Session of the Governing Body of International Labour Organization

Intervention by INDIA

323rd Session of Governing Body, 12-27 March, 2015


Fifth Item on the Agenda

The Standard Initiative

Mr. Chairperson,

At the outset we would like to associate ourselves with the statements made by the Government Group and ASPAG. We would like to make a few additional comments.


We believe that the supervisory function  is one of the core functions of the ILO and of paramount importance both in national and international context in protecting the rights of workers. We appreciate the efforts undertaken by the Office for providing a common platform to all social partners to realise their dialogue in a constructive atmosphere.


We are encouraged by the outcome of this tripartite meeting. It has once again established the fact that tripartite forum is the foundation of this unique organisation and the most effective platform  to address our issues.
Ever since this issue was raised, India has always maintained that ILC is the supreme tripartite forum which has the sole authority to decide on such matters. We therefore are pleased to note that the working group so created is associated to CAS of ILC. We look forward to its recommendations.


We are supportive of the launching of the Standard Review mechanism. We agree and look forward to the preparation of a joint report  by  the Chairpersons of CEACR And CFA for a better understanding of the interrelationship, functioning and possible improvements of the various supervisory procedures related to article 22,23,24 and 26 of ILO Constitution. We would like that the issue of reporting burden is also addressed and new formats of reporting are considered.


Mr. Chairperson,


With these remarks, we support the draft decision as amended by the Government Group.