Madam President,
India has taken the floor to underline its long-standing commitment to the objectives and goals of the Conference on Disarmament and its efforts to achieve these goals. The international community has high expectations from the CD as the single multilateral negotiating forum for negotiating and concluding disarmament instruments.
In this context, India has welcomed and supported various efforts, including the establishment of the Way Ahead Working Group and the Subsidiary Bodies last year. India remains committed to the adoption of a Programme of Work for negotiating legally binding instruments on the core issues of the CD and has been actively working with fellow member States towards this aim. It is a matter of regret that despite our sustained efforts, including by the successive Presidencies, the CD has not been able to agree to a Programme of Work this year.
There is a need to revitalize the CD,andbring the focus back on substantive work. While doing so, we must strictly follow the rules of procedure including the principle of consensus. It is important to avoid any attempts to politicize the CD and the associated institutions including that of the Presidency. We can ill afford to bring extraneous considerations not related to our substantive work, which would only imperil the work of this august Body as well as the principles of multilateralism that are cherished by all of us. In this context, we would also like to recall the statement made by a group of member States to this effect earlier this year.
It is our sincere hope that the Conference would be able to advance our substantive work in order to deliver on its core mandate through early commencement of negotiations. One of the core issues that is most mature, as also underscored by several delegations, isthe negotiation of an FMCT, which too has suffered from extraneous considerations not related to the core issue. India fully supports the negotiation of an FMCT in the CD on the basis of CD/1299 and the mandate contained therein, and reiterates its call for an early commencement of such negotiations.
My delegation reiterates its support to your efforts to lead the work of the CD to a successful outcome.
I thank you Madam President.